Mapping belonging: analysing spaces with oral history in the border region of Melilla and Nador


  • Sofie Steinberger University of Cologne and University of Meknes


Słowa kluczowe:

oral history, border, space, belonging, intersectionality


This contribution shows how oral history and the concept of ‘belonging’ can be used for the analysis of spatial notions in borderlands over time. By giving examples of her research in the border region of Melilla (Spain) and Nador (Morocco), the author presents a transnational and intersectional approach and shows how spatial imaginaries can be taken into view from a historical perspective.


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Biogram autora

Sofie Steinberger - University of Cologne and University of Meknes

Is a PhD student in history at the University of Cologne and the University of Meknes. She is currently writing her PhD thesis about feelings of belonging in the border region of Melilla (Spain) and Nador (Morocco) since 1940. She is co-editor of the publications Ethnicity as a Political Resource: Conceptualizations across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods (Bielefeld 2015) and Melilla – Perspectives on a Border Town (Cologne 2017). Her latest publication is Historia de una frontera europea en África. Las relaciones transfronterizas entre Melilla y Nador (1860–2000) (‘Illes i imperis,’ 2022), which she published together with Mimoun Aziza.

[email protected]


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Jak cytować

Steinberger, S. (2023). Mapping belonging: analysing spaces with oral history in the border region of Melilla and Nador. Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej, 13, 64–84.



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