The borderland experience in the memory of witnesses to history during the 1945 Death March in the Polish Northern Lands. Pedagogical dimensions of a memory-place



Słowa kluczowe:

witness to history, Death March, oral history, pedagogy of memory, pedagogy of place, memory-place category, Kashubs


This article presents the experience of the borderlands in memories of witnesses to history during the evacuation of KL Stutthof in the winter and early spring of 1945. The route crossed the former Free City of Gdańsk and Kashubian villages, reaching as far as German territories, leaving behind the markers of a memory-place analysed here within their pedagogical context. The aim of the article is to present the attitudes of prisoners and the borderland inhabitants and their remembrances.


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Biogram autora

Aleksandra Kurowska-Susdorf - Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia

Aleksandra Kurowska-Susdorf is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Military History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia. Her scholarly interests include death studies, kashubian culture, autobiographical pedagogical approaches in education as well as oral history. Author of local educational projects, including those that promote the collective memory in the context of history of the Death March 1945 through Kashubia. Beneficiary of e.g. Federal Assistance Award. U.S. Department of State 2014 - Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in the USA, New Jork (2014) and DAAD short term research funds for PhD students in Germany, Jena ( 2015), The Graduate Student/Young Scholar Grant PAHA, Denver, 2017. She is also an active educator in places of remembrance and a museum and a licensed tour guide in Kashubia. Author of e.g. "Oswoić śmierć. Edukacyjny potencjał kaszubskich rytuałów pogrzebowych" (Warszawa 2019).


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Jak cytować

Kurowska-Susdorf, A. (2024). The borderland experience in the memory of witnesses to history during the 1945 Death March in the Polish Northern Lands. Pedagogical dimensions of a memory-place. Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej, 14, 74–106.



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