From forgotten topic to memory activism: the case of the wolf children



Słowa kluczowe:

wolf children, memory activism, Klaipeda (Memel) region, commemoration day, Pagėgiai


This article is based on an archive of personal interviews. Using the oral history method, more than 60 people who were or identified themselves as wolf children were interviewed. Using memory activism, the relationship between wolf children, commemoration days, and the Pagėgiai community is examined with the aim of integrating the memory of wolf children into regional memory.


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Biogram autora

Rūta Matimaitytė - Lithuanian Institute of History

Rūta Matimaitytė is a doctoral candidate at the Lithuanian Institute of History and junior researcher at Vilnius university, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, EUROPAST project. In her research reveals various views and policies of Soviet authorities aimed at solving the problem of child-beggars in postwar Lithuania and focuses on memory research, e.g. on the topic of silence in the Soviet period about German children of East Prussia. Her research interests span across the fields of migration, children, memory and trauma, as well as the application of oral history.


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Jak cytować

Matimaitytė, R. (2024). From forgotten topic to memory activism: the case of the wolf children. Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej, 14, 192–209.



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